south carolina

Mold Remediation South Carolina SC - Crawlspace Mold Removal - Array of Solutions Honesty Policy - Mold in your home? Now what to do? - Mold in Your Apartment

Mold in your home? Now what to do?

As the owner of, I receive numerous calls daily from individuals facing troubling mold-related issues. Common scenarios often include: “Mold in your home? Now what to do?” “I’ve been on antibiotics for months, missed five weeks of school, and still can’t shake this persistent cough!” “While on vacation, I

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Mold testing Spartanburg area - How to get rid of mold - What should I do if I have mold in my house? - What is Mold? - Mold Sickness

Mold Sickness: Part 2

In my previous article, I introduced the concept of “Mold Sickness” and briefly outlined how mold toxins can impact your health. Today, I want to delve deeper into the symptoms associated with mold exposure and the broader implications of mold-related illnesses. Array of Solutions, a trusted name in mold removal

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Mold Removal Companies South Carolina SC - Mold Testing & Removal - Mold in Basements & Crawlspaces - Mold Sickness - What are the signs

Mold Sickness – What are the signs

As an expert with over a decade of experience in mold inspections and remediation, I’ve encountered countless cases where Mold Sickness – What are the signs, has gone undiagnosed or misunderstood. Despite the significant impact mold can have on health, it’s often overlooked by healthcare professionals, including allergists, immunologists, and

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Mold growth in SC homes - Why is mold growing in my home? - Learn how to clean mold effectively with expert tips on identifying, containing, and removing mold from your home or business. Prevent mold recurrence. - Array of Solutions - Quality of Life Versus The Presence of Mold - You are what you breathe - Worry about what you breathe - Moisture and Mold Prevention Tips

You are what you breathe

You are what you breathe, the spotlight on organic food has grown brighter. The rise of stores specializing in organic produce reflects a significant shift in consumer priorities. As my niece humorously calls it, ‘Whole Foods’ is affectionately known as ‘Whole Paycheck,’ symbolizing the premium people are willing to pay

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Puppy suffers from poor air quality. - Dogs and Mold

Dogs and Mold

As a seasoned mold expert with extensive experience—having conducted over three thousand mold tests and inspections—I’ve encountered various scenarios involving mold’s impact on human health. Recently, however, I’ve received multiple inquiries about how Dogs and Mold exposure might affect our furry companions. This article delves into the relationship between dogs

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Mold inspection Simpsonville - Introduction To Mold Series - Array of Solutions - Black Mold and Moisture Testing - Quality of Life Versus The Presence of Mold - What is Mold? - You are what you breathe - Mold family - Mold Issues

What is Mold?

Hello, I’m Douglas Whitehead, owner of Array of Solutions. If you’re wondering What is Mold?, how to detect it in your home or business, and what steps to take for removal, you’re in the right place. I’m here to provide clarity on these common questions and offer expert advice on

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