Air Ducts & Air Quality. What’s behind the walls can affect your home.

Unless your home has radiant heat floors or solar heating, you are probably having to change air filters.  The reason being is that most homes regulate heating and cooling using a network of ducts requiring filtration.  These ducts are either flexible or...

Burning Question; “Is it worth taking your shoes off when entering your home?”

The Wall Street Journal published an interesting article under the; “Burning Question” heading. It was published in March of 2014. The article poses the question posed in the title of this article. This is a fascinating consideration. One of the first...

Mold in your home? Now what to do?

Mold inside your home? NOW WHAT? As the owner ‘’, my phone rings for one reason.  The scenario usually sounds like this; “Been on antibiotics for mos.,  missed 5 weeks of school and cannot seem to shake this cough!”        ...

Mold in your rental? What Now?

  Black Mold in My Rental/Appartment When my phone rings, more times than not, it is a Tenant that has valid suspicions of Black Mold, or Air Quality issues.  If you are a Tennant, there are many rights you may have that you are unaware of.  If you are a...