Selling or Buying? Mold Test 1st!

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Copy of mold_spores

Upstate SC is ripe for Mold growth.  Buyers and sellers should have their homes tested before going to the market.  “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

My phone rings too many times with a home seller frantic.  Why?  Because the discovery of mold in their home during the buyer’s inspection creates an emergency.  Oftentimes, folks list their home, get a binding contract to sell, only to find out they have a mold issue.  Unfortunate to say the least.  Once a binding agreement is signed by both parties, sellers are obligated to correct the problem.  Rarely (if ever) have I seen a seller benefit from this.  Once discovered, the buyer has the discretion to direct the seller in whatever direction they wish.  Unless the seller has no interest in money,  the buyer will take advantage of the discovery of mold.  In short, if you are selling your house, a Mold Test could substantially save you THOUSANDS of dollars.  Did I say this should be done prior to the listing of your home?

Buyers beware.  Due diligence includes but is not limited to conducting a complete and thorough investigation of the home your planning on buying.  One often overlooked step is having a Mold Test completed by an expert.  Although stringently screened, Home Inspectors are rarely Mold Experts.  What they refer to as ‘Organic Growth’ could possibly be “Stachybotrys”. (The most lethal mold known to exist.)

Having a mold test is not free, but could save the buyer THOUSANDS of dollars in the long run.  Not to mention the potential time and money spent away from work with Doctors and god forbid, Lawyers.  Readers digest version.  If you are buying a home, have a Mold Expert conduct a Mold Test prior to spending any additional effort in moving in.
