BLACK MOLD!! or “Stachybotrys”, is known to be extremely toxic and difficult to remove.

The Facts:

What is Black Mold/Stachybotrys?

Stachybotrys is a genus of molds, asexually reproducing which classifies it as a ‘hyphomycete’ belonging to the kingdom of ‘fungi’. Nearly all Stachybotrys infestations locate and proliferate in and on hosting materials rich in cellulose.  This would include but not be limited to; Sheetrock paper, ceiling building tiles, carpets, and many, many more.  Moisture is the key ingredient to BLACK MOLD survival.   The appearance is nearly always different, and I have had cases where it is not black.  Therefore not all molds that are black in color are “Stachybotrys” and not all “Stachybotrys” is BLACK MOLD.  The origin of “Stachybotrys” is from the Greek word ‘Stakhus’. (grain or ear, sticks, or stalks or “Stachy”.  “Botrus” refers to cluster or bunch, trusses.

The most notorious type or species (S. Chartarum and S. Chlorohalonata) are known as “Black Mold” or “Toxic Black Mold” in the United States of America and relate or common when poor air quality indoors which occurs when growing fungus takes root on water-damaged building materials.

What can exposure to BLACK MOLD or Stachybotrys do to you?

Exposure to this has wide and varied effects on each individual.  Factors like how long, how much and the individual’s age are all significant when asking this question.  Symptoms typically impact membranes with mucous, the mouth, nose, and throat.  Flu and cold like symptoms; a cough, sneezing, nausea, bloody discharge and fatigue.  I have seen people affected by lymph node irritation and skin problems.  The significance of BLACK MOLD has only recently gained notoriety.  According to ‘Wikipedia’,

“In the 1990s after analysis of two infantile deaths and multiple cases in children from the poor areas of Cleveland, Ohio due to pulmonary hemorrhage were initially linked to exposure to heavy amounts of Stachybotrys chartarum. Subsequent and extensive reanalysis of the cases by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have failed to find any link between the deaths and the mold exposure.”

Call Array of Solutions today and schedule an ‘Air Quality’ test today.