Douglas Whitehead of ‘’ here with more information about mold. Mold is gaining clout and Creedence in the media as of late. Mold is increasing in its importance when figuring out why people get sick in certain environments. Air Quality is gaining momentum and importance in all real-estate transactions. This is great for ‘’ as I have been able to prevent problematic inspections issues from appearing on the inspector’s radar. Similarly, I have been able to help people pass their CL100 if they did not receive a passing grade. The best quote describing my companies purpose is; “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Back to the title of the article; “What purpose does mold serve?” Whenever I tell people what I do for a living, they immediately tell me everything they know about mold. Some have some interesting ideas, but unfortunately, most people I speak with are misinformed as to what mold is and what purpose it serves.
Mold is not new. Mold is not confusing. Mold is all around us and its purpose is quite easy to understand. Mold benefits the earth more than it damages it. Mold does present a problem when it is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Abnormally high levels of mold in your home can and do contribute to problems in the respiratory system. Mold affects different people different ways, mold can sometimes be lethal. Whatever your belief is, mold’s purpose in the eco-system is to break-down and expedite the decomposing process. Everything organic on earth has a life cycle and mold should be thought of the last cycle of a life-span. Without mold in our eco-system, organic plant and animal material would become a nuisance. Mold expedited the breaking down process so that what was of the earth can return to the earth. The cycle of life. Without mold, this would be altered and in my opinion, not nearly as efficient.

In short, if something was organic, or once living, mold expedites it returns to where it came from. Estimates range from one-thousand years and higher as to how long a mold spore can lay dormant waiting for a host to become active and decompose. Additionally, Mold is part of the kingdom of fungi of which there are many thousands of varieties. Not all mold is bad, but if too much is in your home, you will be worse off. The common denominator in controlling mold and fungi in your home is; MOISTURE. Call Douglas @ ‘’ today with your questions and schedule an air quality test for $100 (w/in 30 miles of Greenville) to see what is growing on in your home.
Till next time;
Douglas R. Whitehead II