How does mold get inside your home?

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Mold can get inside your home in a variety of ways. Black mold, (Stachybotrys) thrives on wood, straw, and decaying outdoor matter. Oftentimes, it can and will be accidentally introduced into homes. As Spring wrestles winter here in the Upstate of South Carolina, many folks are using their fireplaces. Wood burning fireplaces require a risky fuel source. Wood piles/stacks are notorious for many types of mold. Hauling logs into your home can spread any number of spores into your home. You must protect yourself and your family from this risk. Spores can get into clothing, be spread onto floors, and unfortunately become airborne and travel into your respiratory system.

Common side effects include but are not limited to; Respiratory Distress, Sinusitis, Hay-Fever, Allergy type symptoms, Fatigue, Flu-Like Symptoms, and Skin Irritations. Mold exposure hinders the immune system’s ability to perform safely. Once spores get inside your home they can lay dormant for long periods. Laying in wait, they will reproduce if and when conditions are favorable for reproduction. The ‘Fruiting Bodies’ as they are often referred to, create the musty/moldy odor associated with mold contamination. ‘Fruiting Bodies’ create V.O.C.’s or Volatile Organic Compounds unseen to the human. Mold also can be identified on almost any surface, including glass, inside the home.

A simple way to check for mold is to monitor unusual spots w/ a sticky pad or piece of tape. If spots grow or increase in size, it is critical to contact an environmental expert to have your home tested. Here an array of solutions, we are offering in-home testing for $150 through April. If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the aforementioned within 50 miles of the Greater Greenville area, call Douglas today at 864-710-6413.


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